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  1. D J Bergin,
  2. C D McCord,
  3. T Berger,
  4. H Friedberg and
  5. W Waterhouse
  1. Department of Surgery, Letterman Army Medical Center, Presidio of San Francisco, California 94129-6700.


    Blepharochalasis is an uncommon disorder distinguished by recurrent episodes of eyelid oedema in young patients. A hypertrophic form, manifested as fat herniation, and an atrophic form, manifested as fat atrophy, have been described. Ptosis with excellent levator function, laxity of the lateral canthal structures with rounding of the lateral canthal angle, nasal fat pad atrophy, and redundant eyelid skin develop after many episodes of eyelid swelling. Fine wrinkling, atrophy, and telangiectasias characterise the excess eyelid skin. We describe four cases of this syndrome in which external levator aponeurosis tuck, blepharoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, and dermis fat grafts were used to correct atrophic blepharochalasis after the syndrome had run its course.

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