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High spatial resolution automated perimetry in glaucoma
  1. Mark C Westcotta,
  2. Andrew I McNaughtb,
  3. David P Crabba,
  4. Frederick W Fitzkea,
  5. Roger A Hitchingsb
  1. aDepartment of Visual Science, Institute of Ophthalmology, London, bGlaucoma Unit, Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road, London
  1. F W Fitzke, Department of Visual Science, Institute of Ophthalmology, 11–43 Bath Street, London EC1V 9EL.


BACKGROUND Automated perimetry is of fundamental importance in assessing visual function in glaucoma. A technique was evaluated to perform high spatial resolution automated perimetry to allow a more detailed assessment of the luminance sensitivity in selected regions of the visual field than is possible with conventional perimetry.

METHOD High spatial resolution perimetry was performed using a Humphrey automated perimeter by measuring luminance sensitivity across a 9 by 9 degree custom grid of 100 test locations with a separation between adjacent locations of 1 degree. Quantitative analysis of the raw and Gaussian filtered thresholds was performed to assess the repeatability of the technique in normals, glaucoma suspects, and glaucoma patients.

RESULTS The testing protocol was well tolerated by all subjects. High spatial resolution perimetry in glaucomatous eyes demonstrated fine luminance sensitivity loss not suspected with conventional perimetry. High spatial resolution perimetry also demonstrated reproducible areas of sensitivity loss in some glaucomatous eyes in areas of the visual field which appear normal with conventional programmes. The repeatability of the technique correlated with mean threshold sensitivity and was substantially improved to clinically acceptable levels by Gaussian filtering the thresholds.

CONCLUSION This technique of high spatial resolution perimetry allows the practical assessment of selected regions of the visual field at higher resolution than conventional perimetry, and may be clinically useful in glaucoma.

  • glaucoma
  • perimetry
  • repeatability
  • image processing

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