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Thyroid eye disease.

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    Thyroid eye disease. 3rd ed. By Devron H Char. Pp 293. £70. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997. ISBN0-7506-9893-4.

    Thyroid associated ophthalmopathy continues to vex endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, and immunologists. At one of the earliest meetings of the Thyroid Club (now the British Thyroid Association) the debate on this subject was so intense that the secretary urged that it continue until no one was left, and the meeting closed with some difficulty at 10.00pm. Forty years later controversy still rages about the pathogenesis, the relation to the thyroid condition, and the best way to treat both the orbit and the thyroid in these patients.

    This book, remarkably, is written by a single author …

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