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Report of a family with dominantly inherited upper lid entropion
  1. A Amias,
  2. A Gittos,
  3. J R O Collin
  1. Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road, London EC1V 2PD, UK
  1. J R O Collin Richard.Collin{at}


AIM To report the occurrence of late onset, bilateral, idiopathic upper lid entropion, occurring in three members of the same family, with a known family history.

METHODS Five family members were examined, and a history taken, at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Three patients were treated surgically, and one also had a tarsoconjunctival biopsy.

RESULTS In all cases, no aetiology was found. The family history suggests an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. All patients were treated with anterior lamellar repositioning, and had optimal results.

CONCLUSION The family reported seems to be affected by a familial form of primary acquired upper lid entropion, that shows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern.

  • upper lid entropion
  • autosomal dominant inheritance pattern

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