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Viability of Acanthamoeba after exposure to a multipurpose disinfecting contact lens solution and two hydrogen peroxide systems
  1. K Hiti1,
  2. J Walochnik2,
  3. E M Haller-Schober1,
  4. C Faschinger1,
  5. H Aspöck2
  1. 1Department of Ophthalmology, University of Graz, Austria
  2. 2Department of Medical Parasitology, Clinical Institute of Hygiene, University of Vienna, Austria
  1. Correspondence to: Professor H Aspöck, Department of Medical Parasitology, Clinical Institute of Hygiene, University of Vienna, Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1095 Vienna, Austria; Horst.Aspoeck{at}


Background/aim: Contact lens cases contaminated with Acanthamoeba are a major risk factor for an infection of the eye. In this study the anti-Acanthamoeba activity of three different contact lens storage solutions was tested.

Methods: A new multipurpose contact lens storage solution (Meni Care Plus) and a two step (Titmus H2O2) and one step (Oxysept Comfort) hydrogen peroxide system were tested for their effects on trophozoites and cysts of three different Acanthamoeba species: A castellanii, A hatchetti, and A lenticulata.

Results: After a soaking time of 8 hours (overnight soaking of contact lenses) the Titmus H2O2 0.6% solution showed very good amoebicidal effects, while Oxysept Comfort 3% H2O2 could not effectively destroy the cysts of any of the three tested species. Viable cysts of the species A lenticulata and A hatchetti were still present after exposure to Meni Care Plus (0.0005% PHMB) for 8 hours.

Conclusion: Not all of the three tested contact lens storage solutions have sufficient amoebicidal effects. The two step peroxide system Titmus H2O2 is a very effective disinfectant contact lens solution in order to avoid a possible Acanthamoeba infection of the eye.

  • contact lens solution
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • Acanthamoeba

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