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Idiopathic anterior hyaloid vessels
  1. J G F Dowler,
  2. J S Mehta,
  3. A M Landers,
  4. A M P Hamilton
  1. Medical Retinal Service, Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road, London EC1V 2PD, UK
  1. Correspondence to: Mr J S Mehta; jodmehta{at}

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Anterior hyaloidal fibrovascular proliferation (AHFP), the growth of vessels across the anterior hyaloid face from an origin in anterior retina,1 was first described in phakic eyes after diabetic vitrectomy surgery,2 but is also reported following cataract surgery in diabetics.3 Complications include cataracts, vitreous haemorrhage, tractional retinal detachment, ciliary body detachment, and phthisis bulbi.1 We present the first report of this entity occurring in a non-diabetic patient without previous ophthalmic surgery.

Case report

A 20 year old Asian man presented with acute right sided visual loss. There was no history of ocular trauma or family history of note. He was systemically well. Visual acuity was 6/12 right eye, 6/5 left. Vessels were visible on the right posterior lens capsule, associated with localised cataract and anterior vitreous opacity (Fig 1A). Clinical examination revealed …

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