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High levels of IgG class antibodies to recombinant HSP60 kDa of Yersinia enterocolitica in sera of patients with uveitis
  1. J C Cancino-Diaz1,
  2. L Vargas-Rodríguez2,
  3. N Grinberg-Zylberbaum2,
  4. M A Reyes-López3,
  5. M L Domínguez-López4,
  6. A Pablo-Velazquez4,
  7. M E Cancino-Diaz4
  1. 1Laboratorio de Inmunología ocular del Instituto de Oftalmología Fundación Conde de Valenciana, Mexico and Departamento de Microbiología, Laboratorio de Microbiología General de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas del Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico
  2. 2Departamento de Uvea del Instituto de Oftalmología Fundación Conde de Valenciana, Mexico
  3. 3Laboratorio de Microbiología Molecular del Instituto de Oftalmología Fundación Conde de Valenciana, Mexico
  4. 4Departamento de inmunología, Laboratorio de inmunoquímica I, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico
  1. Correspondence to: Dr M E Cancino-Diaz San Bartolo Naucalpan, No 86 Edif N2 Depto 7 Col Argentina, Delg Miguel Hidalgo, 11270 Mexico;


Aims: To determine the levels of IgG class antibodies to recombinant heat shock protein 60 kDa of Yersinia enterocolitica (rHSP60Ye), Klebsiella pneumoniae (rHSP60Kp), Escherichia coli (rHSP60Ec), Shigella flexneri (rHSP60Sf), and Streptococcus pyogenes (rHSP60Sp) in the serum of patients with HLA-B27 associated acute anterior uveitis (HLA-B27 associated AAU), idiopathic acute anterior uveitis (idiopathic AAU), pars planitis, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH), and healthy subjects.

Methods: The genes that code for HSP60Ye, HSP60Kp, HSP60Ec, HSP60Sf, and HSP60Sp were cloned by PCR from genomic DNA. The rHSPs were purified by affinity using a Ni-NTA resin. The serum levels of IgG class antibodies to rHSP60s were determined by ELISA in patients with uveitis (n = 42) and in healthy subjects (n = 25).

Results: The majority of patients with uveitis had higher levels of IgG class antibodies to rHSP60Ye compared with levels of healthy subjects (p = 0.01), although these differences were only observed in the HLA-B27 associated AAU (p = 0.005) and in pars planitis patients (p = 0.001). The levels of IgG antibodies to the rHSP60Kp, rHSP60Sf, rHSP60Ec, and rHSP60Sp were similar in patients with uveitis and in healthy subjects (p>0.05).

Conclusion: The results suggest that HSP60Ye could be involved in the aetiology of HLA-B27 associated AAU and pars planitis.

  • uveitis
  • HLA-B27
  • HSP
  • Yersinia
  • pars planitis
  • AAU, acute anterior uveitis
  • BD, Behçet’s disease
  • HSP, heat shock protein
  • uveitis
  • HLA-B27
  • HSP
  • Yersinia
  • pars planitis
  • AAU, acute anterior uveitis
  • BD, Behçet’s disease
  • HSP, heat shock protein

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