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Floating device for donor corneas in organ culture
  1. J T Lie1,2,
  2. F M Lock1,2,
  3. P G H Mulder3,
  4. J van der Wees1,2,
  5. G R J Melles1,2
  1. 1
    Amnitrans EyeBank, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  2. 2
    Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  3. 3
    ErasmusMC, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  1. Dr G R J Melles, Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery, Laan Op Zuid 88, 3071 AA Rotterdam, The Netherlands; melles{at}


Aim: To introduce a new floating device for donor corneas to avoid accumulation of debris onto the endothelial surface during organ culture and to facilitate handling of the tissue during preservation and surgery.

Methods: From 11 donors, one randomly chosen cornea was stored in organ culture attached to a floating device, while the contralateral cornea was attached to the lid of the phial by a suture (“hanging by suture”). Endothelial cell density (ECD) was evaluated prior to tissue storage and after 2–3 weeks of culture. Furthermore, we compared ECD in a larger group of corneas sent off for transplantation with the device (n = 281) to a historical group of control corneas “hanging by suture” (n = 444).

Results: There was no significant difference in ECD between corneas attached to the floating device or “hanging by suture” (n = 11; p⩾0.1). Similarly, no different ECDs were observed between corneas sent off for transplantation with the device (n = 281) and the historical group of control corneas “hanging by suture” (n = 444) (p⩾0.1).

Conclusion: The use of the floating device may not affect tissue quality. Since its introduction, the use of the device has been uneventful and greatly facilitated tissue handling.

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  • Competing interests: None.

  • Patents pending “Donor cornea suspension device for tissue storage.”