Table 5

Cardiorespiratory stability scores for the study population. Details of the changes from baseline cardiorespiratory status which occurred during each 24 hour period are given next to the scores

GroupTime (days)
1A111143 HB to IPPV3 IPPV3 IPPV2 CPAP3 IPPV2 Extubated 5B gs
Emergency intubation
2A111143 ↑O2 >50%2 5B gs3 HB to IPPV3 IPPV3 IPPV2 Extubated 7AB gs
Suction bag and mask
3A111143 HB to IPPV3 IPPV ↑O2 >50%3 CPAP 7AB vs3 CPAP2 Extubated 6B gs2 8AB gs
Suction bag and mask
4A111133 IPPV3 IPPV3 IPPV2 CPAP2 Extubated 9AB gs1
Air to IPPV
5A11112 5B gs2 8B gs2 7AB gs3 13B gs 6AB vs3 6B vs2 11B gs2 5B gs ↑O2 >20%
6A112 ↑O2 >20%12 6B gs13 7AB vs10 ↓O2 >20%0 ↓O2 >20 %0 ↓O2 >20%
7A11112 7B gs2 ↑O2 >20%11111
8A12 6B gs1112 7 AB gs12 ↑O2>20%13 15AB vs CPAP1
9A111112 ↑O2>20%11111
13B11113 Elective IPPV3 IPPV3 IPPV2 Extubated 9AB gs2 12AB gs11
14B11112 8A gs111111
15B111110 ↓O2 >20%0 ↓O2 >20%0 ↓O2 >20%0 ↓O2 >20%0 ↓O2 >20%0 ↓O2 >20%
16B11111112 5B gs ↑O2 >20%111
19C11112 ↑O2 >20%2 6B gs11111
20C11112 ↑O2 >20%2 5AB gs13 14AB vs2 7AB gs2 11AB gs ↑O2 >20%1
21C11112 9A gs0 ↓O2>20%0 ↓O2 >20%10 ↓O2>20%11
22C11112 9B gs111111
23C11112 ↑O2 >20% 9AB gs110 ↓O2>20%0 ↓O2 >20%0 ↓O2 >20%1
24C112 7B gs110 IPPV to CPAP11111
25C1111112 ↑O2>20%1111
29C111110 ↓O2>20%10 IPPV to CPAP111
30C11110 ↓O2>20%112 ↑O2 >20%2 ↑O2>20%11
  • Days −4 to −1 are preoperative and days 1 to 7 are postoperative. HB = head box oxygen; IPPV = intermittent positive pressure ventilation; CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure ventilation; A = apnoea; B = bradycardia; gs = gentle stimulation; vs = vigorous stimulation;↑ = increased; ↓ = decreased; O2 = oxygen.