Table 6

Agreement between subjective refraction and autorefraction measurements in adults15 and agreement between retinoscopy and Retinomax representative measurements in children

MethodStudySample (n)Mean difference (D) Standard deviation (D)95% Limits of agreement (D)
(Humphrey 500) − (subjective refraction)Kinge et al 15 Adults (224)−0.230.47−1.18 to +0.71
(Nidek AR-1000) − (subjective refraction)Kinge et al 15 Adults (80)−0.130.27−0.68 to 0.41
(Retinomax) − (retinoscopy) Present studyChildren (23)+0.260.66−1.06 to 1.58
(Retinomax) − (subjective refinement)Present studyChildren (22)+0.070.84−1.61 to 1.75
  • Mean of the differences between two measurements of spherical equivalent (right eye only).

  • Mean ± 2 standard deviations.

  • Standard 1.5 D correction applied to retinoscopy measurements (phoropter at neutralisation) before calculations.