Table 3

Frequencies of responses on the disease specific questions of the GO-QOL (n=70)

ItemNot impairedA little impairedSeriously impairedMissing
Limited in cycling282418
Limited in driving1129228
Limited in walking indoors4921 0
Limited in walking outside3231 7
Limited in reading1040191
Limited in watching TV1040191
Limited in hobby1434211
Interference with daily life164113
Feeling of social isolation4226 2
Change in appearance72637
Feeling of being watched3025141
Unpleasant reactions362014
Influence on self confidence203119
Influence on friendships5510 41
noyesdon’t know
Less often on photos3221161
noyesnot applicable
Using camouflage3926 5
  • Eight patients had no driver’s licence.