Table 1

Activities listed in the visual disability assessment. The patient is asked: “To what extent, if at all, does your vision interfere with your ability to carry out the following activities?” The patient is asked to take into account both the degree to which they can perform each task as well as the extra effort involved. Assessment of visual disability is done for both eyes open and habitual spectacle correction is worn. The scoring system is included. All are counted for the total score, those marked with m are included in the mobility score, those marked with d are included in the distance/lighting/reading score, and those marked with nare included in the near and related tasks score

ActivityNot at all (1)A little (2)Quite a bit (3)A lot (4)
Readingd,n 1234
Seeing in the distanced 1234
Recognising faces across the streetd 1234
Watching TVd 1234
Seeing in bright light/glared 1234
Seeing in poor or dim lightd, n 1234
Appreciating coloursn 1234
Driving a car, by dayd 1234
Driving a car, by nightd 1234
Walking insidem 1234
Walking outsidem 1234
Using stepsm 1234
Crossing the roadm 1234
Using public transportm 1234
Travelling independentlym 1234
Moving in unfamiliar surroundingsn 1234
Employment/housework activitiesn 1234
Hobbies/leisure activitiesn 1234