Table 2

Summary of light microscopic (LM) and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) findings of seven corneas examined

NoLM: location of depositsTEM: location and appearanceSize of particlesRemarks
1Subepithelial, anterior half of stroma, highest accumulation in the mid stromaIntracellular, clusters in cytoplasm surrounded by fragments of limiting mebranesblack: 40–68 nm
grey: 30–51 nm
Trumps’ fixative
2Subepithelial and anterior half of stromaIntracellular, heavily loaded cytoplasm, confluent large clusters situated in vacuoles with surrounding limiting membraneblack: 50–62 nm
grey: 34–35 nm
Karnovsky’s fixative
3Scattered throughout the anterior stroma, highest accumulation in the deep mid stromaIntracellular, clusters in cytoplasm. Limiting membrane not preservedblack: 35–52 nm
grey: 17–35 nm
retrieved from paraffin
4Posterior third of stromaIntracellular, diffusely in the entire cytoplasm. In between dense accumulations in clusters. Limiting membrane not preservedapprox 35 nmretrieved from paraffin
5Scattered throughout the entire stroma and within the fibrovascular subepithelial ingrowthIntracellular, clusters in cytoplasm. Limiting membrane not preservedblack: 35–89 nm
grey: 30–89 nm
band keratopathy, retrieved from paraffin
6Paracentrally, just posterior to the epithelial basement membraneIntracellular, clusters in cytoplasm. Limiting membrane not preservedblack: 61–39 nm
grey: 22–61 nm
retrieved from paraffin
7Scattered within individual fibroblasts in anterior and mid stromaIntracellular, clusters in cytoplasm. Limiting membrane not preservedblack and grey: 28–45 nmband keratopathy, retrieved from paraffin