
Please answer these questions based on your best vision with both eyes open and wearing glasses or contact lenses if you usually do.

11 How would you rate your vision? (how well do you see?) Please circle one number
Very good4
12 How much does your vision hinder, limit, or disable you in each of the following activities?
Please circle one number on each line
Activity Not at all A little bit Some Quite a lot Totally disabled Don’t do for other reasons
Your usual daily activities123450
Recognising people or objects across the street123450
Reading price labels in shops and supermarkets123450
Reading a magazine, newspaper or book123450
Knitting or sewing123450
Watching television123450
Daytime driving123450
Night-time driving123450
13 How much are you hindered, limited or disabled by glare (dazzling light) in each of the following activities?
Please circle one number on each line
Activity Not at all A little bit Some Quite a lot Totally disabled Don’t do for other reasons
Your usual daily activities123450
Reading shiny paper (such as a magazine)123450
Driving towards the sun or oncoming headlights123450
Walking outside on a sunny day123450
14 Who filled in this form? Please circle one number
I filled it out with no help1
I filled it out with help from family and friends2
I filled it out with help from a nurse or doctor or Bucks Association for Blind (BAB) volunteer3
Family and friends filled it out4
A nurse or doctor or BAB volunteer filled it out5
15 Have you had a recent illness, injury, or emotional upset that has affected how you answer these questions?
Any comments