Table 3

A list of keratoplasty patients with rejected inflamed grafts and their characteristics

No Age Sex Reason for keratoplasty Postoperative complication Rejection episode Time after transplantation and result of the last medical examination Postoperative treatment
2671Mgraft meltingno rejection16 months/graft failuretopical steroids
2726Fgraft meltinggraft melting1 monthretransplantationtopical steroids, systemic steroids, systemic cyclosporine
2860Mgraft meltinggraft failure10 monthsretransplantationtopical steroids
2926Fgraft meltinggraft melting1 monthretransplantationtopical steroids, systemic cyclosporine
3066Fspontaneus perforationstromal rejection1 monthretransplantationtopical steroids, systemic cyclosporine