Table 3

Predictors of changes in angle width identified by multiple regression analysis

Variablerr2F testLinear regression equation
ACD change0.7690.59221.737+ 0.059 × pretreatment ACD − 28.725
TIA change0.8820.77852.466−0.031 × pretreatment AOD500 + 13.654
AOD250 change0.8100.65628.586−0.403 × pretreatment AOD250 +123.837
AOD500 change0.9080.82470.116−4.978 × pretreatment TIA +159.603
  • ACD=anterior chamber distance; TIA=trabecular-iris angle; AOD250 and AOD500=angle opening distance at 250 μm and 500 μm from the scleral spur.