Table 1

Clinical findings in patients with leptospiral uveitis and spontaneous cataract absorption

Case NoAge/sexPresenting visionEye findingsTime from presentation to cataract Duration between cataract onset and absorption SurgeryFinal vision
129/MHM RE 20/20 LEAnterior uveitis RE with: hypopyon; posterior synechiae; partially absorbed cataract00Refused surgery REHM RE
20/20 LE
224/M20/30 RE HM LEAnterior uveitis LE with cataract1 month RE
0 LE
4.5 months RE 5 months LEPC IOL both eyes20/20 both eyes
323/M20/20 both eyesAnterior uveitis RE, Diffuse uveitis with Koeppe nodules and snowbanking LE1 month RE
2 months LE
6 months RE
1 month LE
PC IOL both eyes20/20 both eyes
432/MBE–6/18Diffuse uveitis with posterior synechiae and optic disc oedema both eyes2.5 weeks RE
0 LE
9 months REPC IOL both eyes20/20 both eyes
519/MHM RE 20/20 LEAnterior uveitis with hypopyon posterior synechiae, and cataract RE010 daysAC IOL (capsular tear)20/30
629/M20/20 RE 20/30 LEDiffuse uveitis with hypopyon, posterior synechiae, and cataract LE2.5 months LE9 months LEPC IOL LE20/20 both eyes
727/FHM RE 20/20 LEDiffuse uveitis with hypopyon, posterior synechiae, and cataract RE.0 RE2 months REECCE/no IOL RE 20/30 RE
20/20 LE
823/M20/20 RE HM OSDiffuse uveitis with hypopyon, posterior synechiae, and cataract LE.0 LE2 months LEPC IOL LE20/20 RE
20/30 LE
  • Cataract present on first examination.