Table 1

The term neuroprotection in glaucoma implies that the substance used to “protect” the ganglion cells reaches the retina (“direct neuroprotection”) to have an effect. In contrast, “indirect neuroprotection” of ganglion cells will occur when a risk factor, such as raised IOP, is corrected

Possible ways for “ direct neuroprotection” of ganglion cellsPossible ways for “indirect neuroprotection” of ganglion cells
• Neuroprotectant acts on ganglion cell perikarya• Correct impaired elevated IOP
• Neuroprotectant acts on retinal and/or optic nerve glial cells•  Correct impaired decreased arterial blood pressure
• Neuroprotectant acts on ganglion cell axons•  Correct impaired deficit in autoregulation
• Neuroprotectant acts on retinal and/or optic nerve blood vessels•  Correct impaired local vasospasms
• Neuroprotectant acts on any of the retinal neurons•  Correct impaired systemic arterial hypotension