Table 1

Relation between stage of corneal dystrophy in patients with a βig-h3 R124H mutation and degree of corneal guttata

Corneal dystrophy (βig-h3 R124H mutation)Corneal guttata
Stage 0 (normal; n=50)4911/10/1
Stage (I + II) (n=30)92114/217/21
 Stage I(n=12)755/50/5
 Stage II(n=18)2169/167/16
  • H=52.7, p<0.0001, Kruskul–Wallis ANOVA on ranks. Statistical analysis demonstrated that there was a significant relation between degree of corneal guttata and stage of the corneal dystrophy between degree of corneal guttata and stage of the corneal dystrophy.

  • p<0.05, Dann's test. The degree of corneal guttata has a tendency to increase as the stage of the corneal dystrophy with R124H mutation of βig-h3 gene increases.