Table 1

Clinical, biochemical, and haemostatic findings of diabetic patients and healthy controls (n = mean (SD); Ns = p value not significant)

Diabetics (n= 67)Controls (n = 50)p Value
Age (years)39.3 (15.2)37.4 (6.6)Ns
Sex (M, F)22, 4519, 31
Duration of diabetes (years)16.9 (8.43)
Body mass index (kg/m2)24.1 (3.54)22.9 (2.04)Ns
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)127.0 (15.4)127.8 (11.26)Ns
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)76.6 (8.68)72.3 (8.28)Ns
HbA1c (%)6.17 (0.90)4.54 (0.64)<0.0001
 microalbuminuria (patients)16 (23.8%)
 macroalbuminuria (patients)9 (13.4%)
Total cholesterol (mg/dl)188.5 (13.3)189.6 (22.7)Ns
HDL cholesterol (mg/dl)49.2 (5.2)50.4 (3.5)Ns
Triglycerides (mg/dl)143.1 (34.1)144.6 (28.2)Ns
Creatinine (mmol/l)83.98 (32.70)71.60 (13.26)<0.005
FVII:Ag (% standard)110.4 (32.1)102.9 (29.8)<0.05
FVII:c (U/dl)99.2 (17.5)88.6 (15.8)<0.005
F1+2 (μg/l)1.12 (0.46)0.78 (0.24)<0.0001