Table 2

Values of eyes with more than 30 mm Hg of intraocular pressure. The bold figures indicate treatment with a topical β blocker and oral acetazolamide; this regimen was continued until the IOP returned to a level below 21 mm Hg. Four patients (28%) in the placebo group had an IOP above 30 mm Hg at 24 hours and three patients (21%) at 48 hours

Patient No Preop 1 hour 3 hours 6 hours 24 hours 48 hours 2 weeks
Apraclonidine group:
917510101734 14
Placebo group:
618211416 60 35 14
815 32 25 18 33 7 NR
9112512 36 39 32 20
1114282928 34 32 22
  • NR = not recorded.