Table 1

Degree of adhesion, length of adjustment, and number of adjustable eyes in each group (mean (SD))

GroupTimeAdhesionLength of adjustment (mm)No of eyes
BSS treated4 days2.19 (0.91)1.75 (0.58)1.75 (0.77)16 of 16
7 days3.79 (0.43)3.71 (0.47)1.00 (1.08)6 of 13
ADCON-L treated4 days0.75 (0.68)0.88 (0.50)4.34 (0.63)16 of 16
7 days1.87 (0.77)2.33 (0.49)3.18 (1.32)13 of 13
  • SR/C = adhesion above the superior rectus muscle (SR), SR/S = adhesion below the SR. Scoring system of the adhesion: 0 = no adhesion, 1 = adhesion easily separable with blunt dissection with cotton tip, 2 = mild adhesion with freely dissectible plane, 3 = dense adhesion with difficult dissection, and 4 = non-dissectible plane.