Table 1

Summary of preoperative clinical characteristics

ILM peeled (44 eyes)ILM preserved (42 eyes)p Value
VA = visual acuity. Numbers indicate mean (SD).
Numerical data were analysed using the unpaired t test and categorical variables were analysed using the Fisher’s exact probability test and Mann-Whitney’s U test.
Age (years)64.4 (7.5)64.5 (7.0)0.93
Preop VA (logMAR)0.77 (0.29)0.90 (0.41)0.09
Duration of symptoms (months)4.87 (4.13)4.69 (3.22)0.84
Hole diameter (DD)0.31 (0.12)0.26 (0.10)0.05
Stage (eyes)_: 3_: 40.99
_: 25_: 22
_: 16_: 16