Table 1

Clinical and histopathological features of the inflamed juvenile conjunctival naevi

Clinical features
    Juxtalimbal lesion location47/47100
    Clinically pigmented lesions21/4745
    History of allergy/atopy or “vernal conjunctivitis” (complete systemic history available only in 24 records)18/2475
Histopathological features
    Epithelial cysts in the substantia propria32/4768
    Solid epithelial islands in the substantia propria34/4772
    Either solid or cystic epithelial elements42/4789
    Microscopic pigmentation12/4725
    Junctional nests47/47100
    Lymphocyte infiltration47/47100
    Germinal centres14/4730
    Plasma cell infiltration32/4768
    Eosinophil infiltration36/4777