Table 5

Compared findings between FA and ICG-A in eyes with occult CNV examined within 1 month after the onset of symptoms

Compared findings in 91 eyes with isolated occult CNV (occult CNV without fibrovascular PED)Compared findings in 57 eyes with occult CNV associated with fibrovascular PEDs
39subfoveal CNV5subfoveal focal spots12subfoveal CNV4subfoveal focal spots
26subfoveal plaques6subfoveal plaques
8combinations of subfoveal plaques and focal spots2combinations of subfoveal plaques and focal spots
34juxtafoveal CNV15juxtafoveal focal spots16juxtafoveal CNV2juxtafoveal focal spots
9subfoveal plaques11subfoveal plaques
3combinations of subfoveal plaques and focal spots3combinations of subfoveal plaques and focal spots
4juxtafoveal plaques
1combination of juxtafoveal plaque and focal spot
18extrafoveal CNV17extrafoveal focal spots14extrafoveal CNV11extrafoveal focal spots
1extrafoveal plaque1extrafoveal plaque
2combinations of subfoveal plaques and focal spots
15localisation of CNV indeterminate4extrafoveal focal spots
1juxtafoveal focal spot
2subfoveal plaques
8dense haemorrhage