Table 1

Clinical and demographic data (mean (SD)) of the patients with NPG (n=36) and healthy subjects (n=21)

Normal pressure glaucomaHealthy subjectsSignificance*
*Unpaired Student's t test.
MD = mean deviation, PSD = pattern standard deviation, SF = short term fluctuation, CPSD = corrected pattern standard deviation, CDR = cup to disc ratio, NS = not significant.
Age (years)57 (13)51 (13)NS
Intraocular pressure (mm Hg)16 (3)16 (3)NS
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)119 (14)127 (17)NS
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)73 (10)76 (11)NS
Heart rate (beats/min)73 (11)74 (12)NS
CDR (area)0.51 (0.13)0.32 (0.15)p=0.0001
Optic nerve head area (mm2)1.70 (0.41)1.77 (0.34)NS
MD (dB)−4.7 (4.6)−0.4 (1.3)p<0.0001
PSD (dB)6.8 (5)1.7 (0.6)p<0.0001
SF (dB)2 (1)1.2 (0.5)p=0.0001
CPSD (dB)6.6 (5)0.89 (0.72)p<0.0001
Contrast sensitivity 3 (cpd)1.47 (0.3)1.78 (0.36)p=0.006
Contrast sensitivity 6 (cpd)1.72 (0.25)1.88 (0.5)NS
Contrast sensitivity 12 (cpd)1.24 (0.28)1.52 (0.47)p=0.04
Contrast sensitivity 18 (cpd)0.84 (0.37)1.14 (0.48)p=0.04