Table 1

Mean (SD) external trabecular membrane (ETM) cell density and ETM thickness according to race, previous argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT), preoperative use of fluorometholone (FI), and peroperative application of mitomycin (MMC)

Mean (SD ETM thickness (μm)*Mean relative ETM cell density† (area 50 × 50 μm)
*Mean count of 3 sections in different areas of the ETM specimens.
†Mean count in 5 different areas and planes.
Normal ETM (n=8)34.4 (10.4)167.5 (24.9)
Glaucoma patients (n=60)29.5 (7.6)37.3 (9.7)
Black patients (n=6)34.3 (7.1)25.5 (16.6)
White patients (n=54)28.9 (7.1)39.4 (30.4)
Previous ALT (n=10)29.1 (5.9)22.6 (16.1)
No previous ALT (n=50)29.5 (7.6)39.6 (30.7)
Preoperative FI (n=32)30.8 (6.9)26.3 (16.9)
No preoperative FI (n=28)28.0 (7.4)46.4 (34.6)‡
Peroperative MMC (n=12)29.2 (7.6)37.2 (28.8)
No peroperative MMC (n=48)29.8 (7.5)37.8 (32.2)