Table 3

Intensified postoperative treatment in cases of herpetic recurrence and in instances of graft rejection

DrugDaily doseDuration
*Maximum dose; modifications necessitated by differences in renal function and body weight (bw) were as recommended by the manufacturer.
Intensified postoperative treatment in cases of herpetic recurrence (based on clinical judgement, irrespective of group affiliation)
I Systemic treatment
    KeratouveitisAciclovir3 × 10 mg/kg bw* IV7–10 days
3 × 800 mg* by mouth2–4 weeks
    EndotheliitisAciclovir5 × 800 mg* by mouth2 weeks
3 × 800 mg* by mouth2 weeks
    Stromal keratitisAciclovir3 × 800 mg* by mouth2 weeks
    Subsequent prophylaxisAciclovir3 × 400 mg* by mouth4–12 months
II Topical treatment
    Epithelial keratitisAciclovir5 × 3% ointment10–30 days
    Herpetic recurrencePrednisolone5 × 1% eyedropswhole episode
    Accompanying uveitisCycloplegicsAccording to clinical symptoms and signs
Intensified postoperative treatment in instances of graft rejection (aciclovir only in cases of herpetic stromal keratitis (group 1))
I Systemic treatmentPrednisolone1–2 mg/kg bw*3 days; subsequent dose tapering
Aciclovir3 × 400 mg* by mouthduring high dose local steroid therapy
II Topical treatmentPrednisolone acetate2.5% eyedropsevery 30–60 minutes; subsequent dose tapering
Cycloplegicsaccording to clinical symptoms and signs