Table 2

Examples of theoretical cases with amblyopia during treatment

CaseAmblyopic eye (start)Amblyopic eye (end)Fellow eye (start)Fellow eye (end)⩾6/9⩾3 linesResidual amblyopiaProportional improvement
Outcomes for each case are presented according to each of the four methods of defining successful outcomes (achievement to 6/9 or better, improvement by three or more lines, residual amblyopia, and proportional improvement calculations).
Proportional improvement can be equivalently expressed in percentage.
A proportional outcome >1.0 signifies visual acuity of the once amblyopic eye improving to levels higher than that of the fellow eye while a negative proportional outcome signifies deterioration of the amblyopic eye during treatment.−0.7)/(1.0−0.0) = 0.30
20.300.00.00.0YesYes0.0(0.3−0.0)/(0.3−0.0) = 1.00
30.720.620.20−0.18NoNo0.79(0.72−0.62)/(0.72 to −0.18) = 0.11−0.04YesNo0.04(0.2−0.00)/(0.2 to −0.04) = 0.83
50.900.150.30−0.3YesYes0.45(0.90−0.15)/(0.90 to −0.3) = 0.63
61.00.350.250.25NoYes0.1(1.00−0.35)/(1.00−0.25) = 0.87−0.1(0.9−0.1)/(0.9−0.2) = 1.14