Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the smokers (HEV >2.9 μg/l) and non-smokers (HEV <2,9 μg/l) obtained in the initial examination

FeatureNon-smokers (n=19)Smokers (n=41)p Value
GD = Graves’ hyperthyoidism, TAO = thyroid associated ophthalmopathy, CAS = clinical activity score, HEV = N-2-hydroxyethylvaline, TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone, T4 = l-thyroxine, T3 = tri-iodothyronine, THS-R-Ab = TSH receptor antibodies). Median values, 5% and 95% confidence intervals are presented.
GD since (months)14 (0–60)16 (3–75)NS
TAO since (months)5 (0–12)6 (3–12)NS
CAS score3.6 (2–6)3.8 (2–6)NS
Motility score0.9 (0–3)1.2 (0–3)NS
Proptosis (mm)17.4 (11–22)17.6 (11–24)NS
HEV level (μg/l)1.5 (0.4–2.7)5.6 (2.8–13.9)p<0.001
TSH (mU/l)0.1 (<0.1–19.8)0.08 (<0.1–6.7)NS
free T4 (pmol/l)16.5 (10.2–23.2)16.0 (8.8–27.5)NS
T3 (nmol/l)2.0 (1.4–2.6)2.4 (1.5–5.9)NS
T4 (nmol/l)103.5 (73.2–163.2)112.0 (61.4–190.7)NS
TSHRAb (U/l)14.0 (<5–145)14.0 (<5.0–141)NS