Table 6

Relation between methods of image capture and clinical measures of vision

Dependent variable
Corrected distance visual acuityCorrected near visual acuityContrast sensitivity
ModelB (unstandardised coefficient)tSigB (unstandardised coefficient)tSigB (unstandardised coefficient)tSig
*p <0.05.
Regression model showing the relation between clinical measures of vision and components of the macular lesion including the extent of blood, atrophy, exudate, fibrosis, and pigment. The extent of fibrosis and atrophy were the only variables that significantly influenced all clinical measures of vision.
Composite score0.0412.1320.036*0.2902.9070.005*−0.022−0.9690.336
Square root of area of abnormal fluorescence0.1304.1760.000*0.1605.1780.000*−0.462−3.8010.000*