Table 1

Classification of glaucoma7

CategoryCDRCDR asymmetryVisual fieldVisual acuityOther
Percentiles refer to those subjects with normal suprathreshold visual fields in both eyes.
*Between 11 to 1 o’clock or 5 to 7 o’clock.
†No alternative explanation for CDR findings (dysplastic disc or marked anisometropia) or the VF defect (retinal vascular disease, macular degeneration or cerebrovascular disease.
FP= false positives.
1†⩾ 97.5th percentile; NRR width = 0.1 CDR*⩾ 97.5th percentile⩾18° × 12° and = 10 dB below age specific normal
⩽50% FP
2†⩾ 99.5th percentile⩾ 99.5th percentileCannot complete satisfactorily
3IDisc not seenImpossible<3/60IOP >99.5th percentile
IiDisc not seenImpossible<3/60Evidence of glaucoma filtering surgery