Table 1

Partial listing of molecules contributing to RGC axon guidance

Guidance familyMode of actionReported effect on RGC axonsLocation in developing visual systemRemarksKnown receptorsSelected references
NetrinsSecretedAttractiveOptic disc, optic nerveHomology to lamininDCC, UNC512
SemaphorinsSecreted and membrane boundInhibitory?Retina?Large family (>20 members) semaphorin domainNeuropilins plexins28, 29
SlitsSecretedInhibitoryRetina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tractForm boundaries for RGC axonsRobos20, 21, 22
EphrinsSecreted and membrane boundInhibitoryRetina, superior colliculusTwo subclasses: ephrin-A and ephrin-B form gradients in retina and tectumEphA receptors EphB receptors34, 35
EphB proteinsMembrane boundInhibitoryRetina“Reverse” signalling through ephrinsEphrin B proteins39, 40
L1Membrane boundAttractiveExpressed on RGC axonsIg superfamily member maintains RGC axon fasiculationHomophilic binding7, 8, 60
LamininExtracellular matrixGrowth promotingRetinaCommonly used as substrate for RGC axon growth in vitroIntegrins61, 62
TenascinExtracellular matrixInhibitoryOptic nerveExpression begins after embryogenesisUnknown55
Chondroitin sulphateExtracellular matrixInhibitoryRetinaInhibitory ring in outer retinaUnknown13, 14