Table 1

 Clinical features and inclusion criteria for the study

Inclusion criteriaNo of cases
*1 woman also had an NF1 complication (that is, plexiform neurofibroma) (see fig 1A).
Café au lait spots and freckling only48
(+ hyperpigmented background in involved area)
Neurofibromas only15
    Chest region (skin)5/15
    Chest region (major thoraci nerves)3/15
    Abdominal region (skin)4/15
    Limbs(skin + major nerves)3/15
Café au lait spots and freckling + neurofibromas2*
(+ hyperpigmented background in involved area)
Plexiform neurofibromas only7
    Scalp temporal/occipital region3/7
    Abdominal region2/7
    Pelvic region2/7