Table 1

 Birth weight, birth length, and head circumference at birth converted into standard deviation scores (SDSs) based on Swedish reference values in the group of adopted children from eastern Europe and in the reference group

SDSAdopted childrenReference group
Mean (range)Mean (range) (n = 90)
*n = 60; †n = 51; ‡n = 39; §n = 89; SDS, standard deviation score.
Birth weight SDS−1.7 (−5.0–1.5)*0.16 (−2.5–5.5)
Birth length SDS−0.3 (−5.0–4.0)†0.25 (−2.0–4.0)
Head circumference at birth SDS−1.2 (−6.0–2.0)‡−0.15 (−4.0–4.0)§