Table 1

 Characteristics of 11 patients with peripapillary colobomatous pseudo-duplication of the optic disc

NoSideAge (years) at referralSexVisual acuityLocation of “second optic disc”Coloboma pigmentationOther featuresUnusual visual field
DD, disc diameter; OCT, optical coherence tomography.
1Left72M6/62 DD inferiorAbsent
2Left35M6/60.5 DD inferiorPresentNerve fibre layer over coloboma on OCT
3Left70M6/92 DD superiorPresentMacular congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epitheliumDouble blind spot
4Left20M6/61.5 DD inferiorPresentSuperior hemifield defect
5Right35F6/91 DD inferiorAbsent
6Right22F6/62 DD inferiorAbsent
7Right11M6/51.5 DD inferiorPresentBilateral disc colobomaBilateral superior hemifield
Tortuous right inferonasal branch retinal veindefect
8Right50M6/61.5 DD inferiorPresent
9Left15F6/61 DD superiorAbsent
10Left30M6/51.5 DD inferiorPresent
11Left40M6/63 DD inferiorAbsent