Table 1

 Nestin+ cell migration from retinal explants

Culture conditionsNumber of nestin+ cells migrated from retinal regions
Data are tabulated to show the effect of different growth factors on nestin+ cell migration from retinal explants of different retinal regions. Values presented are means calculated from different experimental runs. Standard deviation (SD) values are cited.
Medium alone0 (0)1 (1.7)7 (11)
Medium alone + 10% FCS6 (6.4)5 (3.8)10 (1.5)
FGF11 (10.8)30 (27.5)41 (19.5)
FGF + 10% FCS21 (14.8)100 (33.2)106 (27.5)
FGF + EGF13 (17.6)40 (29.7)34 (29.5)
FGF + EGF + 10% FCS18 (19.1)100 (49.3)105 (22.9)