Table 5

 Effect of previous cataract surgery on preoperative expectations and postoperative impressions

First time surgeryPrevious surgerySignificance
Tests: Mann-Whitney U for first versus previous surgery; VF-14 scale is 0 to 100 (100 = no disability). Comparison with expected: 5 = as expected, 0 = much worse, 10 = much better. Other scales: 0 = not at all, 10 = extremely.
Preoperative expectations
Nervous3.49 (2.1)2.48 (2.4)p = 0.002
Painful2.48 (1.6)1.44 (1.5)p<0.001
Risky2.15 (1.7)2.32 (1.9)NS
Expected VF-1496.31 (10.5)95.68 (9.9)NS
Current satisfaction4.07 (1.9)2.15 (1.7)p = 0.018
Postoperative impressions
Compared7.93 (1.3)6.44 (1.5)p<0.001
Nervous1.06 (0.9)1.10 (1.)NS
Painful0.90 (0.8)0.83 (0.9)NS
Risky1.34 (1.3)1.51 (1.4)NS
Understand6.97 (2.2)6.19 (2.9)NS
Satisfied8.06 (1.0)7.95 (1.0)NS