Table 2

 Description of the intraindividual comparison (means, medians, quartiles, minimum, and maximum of intraindividual differences) between IOP measurements using TGDc-01 tonometry, Goldmann applanation tonometry, and palpation of IOP (based on averages of three respective replicate measurements for Goldmann applanation tonometry and on averages of two parallel observers’ results for TGDc-01 tonometry); sign test p values for pairwise comparisons

Mean (mm Hg)Median (Q1; Q3) (mm Hg)Minimum (mm Hg)Maximum (mm Hg)p Value (sign test)
TGDc-01 minus palpation−1−2 (−4; 1)−860.018
TGDc-01 minus Goldmann00 (−1; 2)−650.522
Palpation minus Goldmann12 (−2; 4)−580.429
TGDc-01 (observer 1–2)1−1 (−4; 2)−750.200