Table 2

 Summary of clinical findings

PatientSexAgeVisual acuityRE-LEAge of onsetFundusAF imagingERGPERGColour vision
BEM, bull’s eye maculopathy; IV:2 was asymptomatic; ERG, electro-retinography; PERG, pattern ERG.
II:2F816/60–6/6020Bilateral symmetrical macular atrophy and attenuated retinal vessels (fig 2E)Bilateral decreased AF corresponding to atrophy seen on ophthalmoscopy with a surrounding ring of relative increased AFReduced cone and rod responsesAbsentBilateral medium protan, deutan and tritan defects
II:5F683/36–3/6033Bilateral macular atrophy; attenuated retinal vessels and peripheral areas of atrophy (fig 4)Bilateral decreased AF corresponding to atrophy seen on ophthalmoscopy with a surrounding ring of relative increased AFMarkedly reduced cone and absent rod responsesAbsentBilateral medium protan, deutan and tritan defects
II:7F756/9–6/941Bilateral “bull’s eye maculopathy”Concentric rings of increased and decreased AFBorderline reduced maximal responsesReducedBilateral mild protan, deutan and tritan defects
III:1M526/36–6/3630Bilateral macular RPE changes with areas of atrophy and pigmentation; attenuated retinal vessels with peripheral areas of atrophy (fig 4)Bilateral decreased AF centrally with a surrounding ring of relative increased AFCone responses more markedly reduced than rodAbsentBilateral mild protan, deutan and tritan defects
III:2M486/9–6/942RE: RPE changesRE: Concentric rings of increased and decreased AFBorderline reductionAbsentBilateral mild protan, deutan and tritan defects
LE: Well defined area of macular atrophy (fig 2A)LE : Decreased AF corresponding to atrophy seen on ophthalmoscopy with surrounding ring of relative increased AF (fig 2B)
III:6F533/60–6/6019Extensive RPE atrophy and areas of pigmentation RE > LE; and attenuated retinal vesselsBilateral decreased AF centrally with a surrounding ring of relative increased AFCone responses more markedly reduced than rodAbsentBilateral medium protan, deutan and tritan defects
IV:2F186/6–6/6Bilateral mild macular RPE changesBilateral perifoveal rings of relative increased AF (fig 5)Borderline reductionReducedN
IV:3M316/18–3/6014Extensive RPE atrophy and areas of pigmentation LE > RE (fig 2C)Bilateral decreased AF centrally with a surrounding ring of relative increased AF (fig 2D)Markedly reduced cone and rod responsesAbsentBilateral mild protan, deutan and tritan defects