Table 1

Patients' demographic data undergoing two different autologous retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) transplantation techniques

RPE-choroid sheet TX (group 1)RPE cell-suspension TX (group 2)p Value
Patients (n)77
Mean age (range, years)77 (72–82)79 (71–84)0.35
Sex5 women, 2 men4 women, 3 men1.0
Mean lesion size (range, mm)7.8 (3.5–10)6.1 (4.9–9.2)1.0
Diagnosis (n)0.59
 Classic CNV with haemorrhage53
 Occult CNV, occult and classic CNV24
Non-responder to previous therapy (n)520.29
Distance BCVA (mean±SD, ETDRS chart)0.25±0.220.28±0.230.75
 RangeLP (n=2) to 0.550.04–0.53
Near BCVA (mean±SD, logRAD)1.3±0.71.3±0.70.79
 RangeNRA (n=2) to 0.6NRA (n=2) to 0.4
Mean RT (range, μm)565 (398–750)482 (464–498)0.54
Mean follow-up time (range, months)27 (24–36)32 (24–42)
  • p<0.05 (statistically significant).

  • BCVA, best corrected distance and near visual acuity; CNV, choroidal neovascularisation; ETDRS, Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study; logRAD, logarithm of reading acuity determination; LP, light perception; NRA, no reading ability; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; RT, retinal thickness; TX, transplantation.