Table 2

Patient characteristics (subgroup of treatment-naive eyes)

Patients (eyes)58 (64)
 Female (%)36 (62)
 Male (%)22 (38)
Age (range)78 (65–92)
Right eye (%)31 (49.2)
Left eye (%)32 (50.8)
Mean BCVA in logMAR scale (SD)0.3 (0.37)
Mean time to first treatment in days (range)5.5 (1–51)*
Lens status
 Phakic (%)28 (43.75)
 Pseudophakic (%)36 (56.25)
  • *Two eyes were excluded from the range since they did not receive treatment at baseline.

  • BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; logMAR, logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution.