Table 2

Mean change in BCVA after 12 months’ treatment with anti-VEGF therapy

DrugStudyDesignTotal sample size (patients)Patients receiving anti-VEGF treatmentMean change in BCVA (ETDRS letters)Injection number over 12 months (mean)OCEBM level of evidence55
RanibizumabRADIANCE52Phase III, randomised, double masked, active controlled, multicentre277106*13.84.62
REPAIR53Phase II, prospective, open label, multicentre656513.83.64
Franqueira et al 201257Retrospective case series39394.34.14
Monés et al 200959Prospective case series23239.51.54
Silva et al 201060Prospective case series, multicentre323283.64
Lai et al 200962Retrospective case series161615‡3.84
BevacizumabIkuno et al 200964Retrospective case series636311.5‡2.44
Chan et al 200965Prospective case series292912‡3.64
Gharbiya et al 200966Prospective case series202018.24.04
Ruiz-Moreno et al 201167Prospective, comparative, non-randomised multicentre3818§6.33.24
Ruiz-Moreno et al 201068Retrospective case series, multicentre1071078.71††4
Ruiz-Moreno et al 2011, 201369 70Prospective, randomised, multicentre552511.23.53
Iacono et al 201171Prospective case series30303.84.74
Gharbiya et al 201272Prospective case series303016.44.14
Hayashi et al 201273Prospective case series696910.5‡NR‡‡4
Hayashi et al 200974Prospective case series1564311.5‡1.64
  • OCEBM levels of evidence grades are as follows: 1: systematic review of randomised trials; 2: randomised trial; 3: non-randomised controlled cohort/follow-up study; 4: case series, case control, or historical controlled study; 5: mechanism-based reasoning.

  • *Retreatment according to visual acuity stabilisation criteria.

  • †Retreatment according to disease activity criteria.

  • ‡Approximate ETDRS changes, based on reported logMAR values.

  • §Patients received three monthly loading doses.

  • ¶Patients received one loading dose.

  • ††For 60% of patients.

  • ‡‡1.8 injections over 2 years.

  • BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; ETDRS, Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study; logMAR, logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; OCEBM, Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine; NR, not reported; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.