Table 2

BCVA and CSFT outcomes at months 12 and 24 (FAS-MV/LOCF)

T&E ranibizumab
0.5 mg+laser
T&E ranibizumab 0.5 mg
PRN ranibizumab 0.5 mg
Month 12 outcome
Mean average change in BCVA letter score from baseline to months 1–12 (primary endpoint)*
 Median (range)5.00 (−7.0 to 29.0)5.50 (−13.6 to 24.0)5.83 (−22.8 to 20.2)
 95% CI for mean†4.90 to 6.925.13 to 7.165.10 to 7.30
Assessment of non-inferiority to PRN
 Difference in LS means‡0.390.19
 95% CI for difference−1.03 to 1.81−1.21 to 1.59
 One-sided p value (CMH transformed)§<0.0001<0.0001
Change in BCVA letter score from baseline to month 12
 Median (range)6.00 (−9.0 to 35.0)6.00 (−35.5 to 26.0)7.00 (−46.0 to 28.0)
 95% CI for mean†5.50 to 8.075.25 to 8.345.89 to 8.98
Per cent change in CSFT from baseline to month 12, μm
 Median (range)−26.95 (−82.7 to 22.8)−24.00 (−68.6 to 38.0)−22.90 (−73.7 to 53.1)
 95% CI for mean−31.32 to −22.87−28.27 to −20.43−27.27 to −19.05
Comparison vs PRN
 Difference in LS means (vs PRN)0.82−0.02
 95% CI for difference−4.56 to 6.20−5.25 to 5.22
 p Value¶0.21780.7384
Month 24 outcome
Mean average change in BCVA letter score from baseline to months 1–24
 Median (range)6.04 (−8.6 to 31.7)6.33 (−28.0 to 21.7)6.71 (−20.8 to 25.0)
 95% CI for mean5.68 to 7.875.33 to 7.835.79 to 8.15
Comparison vs PRN
 Difference in LS means0.300.54
 95% CI for difference−1.32 to 1.92−1.06 to 2.13
 Two-sided p value¶0.69200.5186
Change in BCVA letter score from baseline to month 24
 Median (range)8.00 (−19.0 to 41.0)7.00 (−50.0 to 26.0)8.00 (−27.0 to 32.0)
 95% CI for mean6.81 to 9.794.57 to 8.416.51 to 9.61
Per cent change in CSFT from baseline to month 24, μm
 Median (range)−34.35 (−82.7 to 87.8)−27.40 (−77.2 to 69.5)−26.55 (−76.4 to 74.0)
 95% CI for mean†−36.75 to −27.32−29.68 to −20.29−29.88 to −20.07
Comparison vs PRN
 Difference in LS means
(vs PRN)
 95% CI for difference−3.26 to 9.29−7.34 to 4.87
 Two-sided p value¶0.04670.9360
  • Months 12 and 24 outcomes: FAS consisted of all randomised patients who received at least one application of study treatment (ranibizumab or laser), and had at least one postbaseline efficacy assessment in the study eye.

  • *Assessments of superiority of T&E groups vs PRN group using nominal one-sided p values for untransformed CMH tests showed that the comparisons of T&E ranibizumab+laser vs PRN (p=0.7064) and T&E ranibizumab vs PRN (p=0.6052), respectively, were statistically non-significant (>0.0125 for both comparisons).

  • †Two-sided 95% CI are based on t-distribution.

  • ‡Average change from baseline to months 1–12 in BCVA analysed using ANOVA with stratified baseline BCVA and treatment as factors.

  • §CMH test uses row mean scores statistic.

  • ¶p Values are from two-sided stratified CMH test using the row mean scores statistic.

  • ANOVA, analysis of variance; BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; CMH, Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel; CSFT, central subfield thickness; FAS, full analysis set; LS, least square; MV/LOCF, mean value imputation/last observation carried forward; PRN, pro re nata; T&E, treat-and-extend.