Table 3

Medication non-adherence according to patients' characteristics

VariablesAdherent (n=759)Non-adherent (n =287)ORp Value
 Male395 (68.9)178 (31.1)1.505 (1.140 to 1.987)0.004
 Female364 (77.0)109 (23.0)1
Age (years)
 <65551 (71.5)220 (28.5)1.240 (0.903 to 1.701)0.183
 ≥65208 (75.6)67 (24.4)1
Surgery history
 Yes22 (61.1)14 (38.9)1.718 (0.867 to 3.406)0.117
 No737 (73.0)273 (27.0)1
Family history
 Yes63 (78.8)17 (21.3)10.197
 No696 (72.0)270 (28.0)1.438 (0.826 to 2.501)
 Yes431 (70.5)180 (29.5)1.280 (0.968 to 1.692)0.082
 No328 (75.4)107 (24.6)1
Education level
 >High school graduation373 (70.9)153 (29.1)1.182 (0.900 to 1.551)0.229
 ≤High school graduation386 (74.2)134 (25.8)1
Glaucoma types*
 Normal tension484 (74.3)167 (25.7)0.802 (0.601 to 1.070)0.198
 Angle closure29 (65.9)15 (34.1)1.202 (0.619 to 2.335)
 Open angle244 (69.9)105 (30.1)1
 Disease duration†13.67±15.13
12 (6, 19)
12 (6, 18)
1.000 (0.991 to 1.009)0.896
Underlying disease
 Yes256 (70.3)108 (29.7)1.185 (0.894 to 1.572)0.237
 No503 (73.8)179 (26.2)1
Visual field defect severity‡
 Severe150 (68.2)70 (31.8)1.322 (0.941 to 1.856)0.267
 Moderate138 (73.0)51 (27.0)1.047 (0.722 to 1.518)
 Mild422 (73.9)149 (26.1)1
  • Data were presented as n (%).

  • *Excluded two patients whose adherence was not reported.

  • †Mean±SD, median (first quartile, third quartile), Mann-Whitney U test.

  • ‡Excluded patients with no report on disease severity (n=66).