Table 2

COS for ophthalmic disease registered with COMET (

Disease areaTitle of COSRegistered first authorListed contributorsDate of publication
CataractICHOM cataracts data collection reference guideLundstrom, MClinical experts, patient/support group representatives and methodologists201484
Retinal disease
Age-related macular degenerationICHOM Macular Degeneration Data Collection Reference GuideGillies, MClinical experts, patient/support group representatives and methodologists201585
Age-related macular degenerationDevelopment of core outcome measures for age-related macular degeneration interventionsAzuara-Blanco, AConsumers (patients) and clinical expertsIn process
Diabetic retinopathyDevelopment of core outcome measures for diabetic retinopathy interventionsAzuara-Blanco, AConsumers (patients) and clinical expertsIn process
Inflammatory eye disease
UveitisDefining a Core Outcome Set for Efficacy Trials in Adult Patients with Posterior Segment-Involving UveitisDenniston, AConsumers (patients), clinical experts, governmental agencies, consumers (caregivers) and policy-makersIn process
UveitisProposed outcome measures for prospective clinical trials in juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis: a consensus effort from the multinational interdisciplinary working group for uveitis in childhoodHeiligenhaus, AClinical experts201286
Thyroid eye diseaseDevelopment of criteria for evaluating clinical response in thyroid eye disease using a modified Delphi techniqueDouglas, RClinical experts200987
GlaucomaConsensus on Outcome Measures for Glaucoma Effectiveness Trials: Results From a Delphi and Nominal Group Technique ApproachesIsmail, RClinical experts and researchers201645
Neuro-ophthalmic disease
Amblyopia, strabismus and ocular motilityDevelopment of a core outcome set for clinical research and practice in amblyopia, strabismus and ocular motility disordersAl-Jabri, SConsumers (patients), journal editors, clinical experts, researchers, consumers (caregivers), methodologists, policy-makers, service providers and statisticiansIn process
StrokeImpact of Visual Impairment after StrokeRowe, FConsumers (patients), clinical experts, researchers, academic research representatives, consumers (caregivers), policy-makers, service providers, statisticians, patient/support group representatives, members of a clinical trial network, study investigators and service usersIn process
  • COS, core outcome sets; COMET, Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials; ICHOM, International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement.