Table 3

Intoxication at time of ocular injury

Yes (n=25)No (n=63)p Value
Overall SIMD score25.0 (17.7–40.2)15.2 (10.3–24.4)0.004*
Geographical access score20.6 (12.9–38.3)19.4 (7.8–39.2)0.630
Drive time (min)4 (3–5)4 (3–5)0.640
Public transport time (min)10 (8–12)9 (7–16)0.980
Crime (per 10 000)493 (303–689)249 (121–595)0.010*
  • Data reported as medians and quartiles, with p values from Mann-Whitney tests.

  • Based on n=88 with complete postcodes and intoxication status.

  • *Significant at p<0.05.

  • SIMD, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.