Table 4

Features associated with treatment failure by 6 months

Treatment failure
(n=9 patients)
No treatment failure
(n=11 patients)
Number of patients with active disease at baseline (%)7 (77.8)4 (36.4)
Number of patients with bilateral disease (%)9 (100)4 (36.4)
Number of patients who required previous ocular steroid injections (%)6 (66.7)7 (63.6)
Mean duration of uveitis prior to adalimumab, in months (range)72.6 (17–204)100.5 (12–266)
Median duration of uveitis prior to adalimumab, in months (IQR)56 (27–79)67 (46–178)
Mean number of prior systemic agents used (range)3.7 (2–5)2.6 (0–4)
Median number of prior systemic agents used (IQR)4 (3–4)3 (2–4)