Differentiating stages of functional vision loss from glaucoma using the Disc Damage Likelihood Scale and cup:disc ratio
Heiko Philippin, Einoti Naino Matayan, Karin Marianne Knoll, Edith Macha, Sia Mbishi, Andrew Makupa, Cristóvão Daniel Matsinhe, Isac Vasco da Gama, Mário Jorge Monjane, Joyce Awum Ncheda, Francisco Alcides Francisco Mulobuana, Elisante Muna, Nelly Fopoussi Guylene, Gus Gazzard, Ana Patricia Marques, Peter Shah, David Macleod, William Makupa, Matthew J Burton
British Journal of Ophthalmology Mar 2024, 108 (3) 349-356; DOI: 10.1136/bjo-2022-321643