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- Published on: 21 April 2016
- Published on: 21 April 2016
- Published on: 21 April 2016
- Published on: 21 April 2016Re:Re:Trephination size and success of big-bubble formation in deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus.Show More
The response by Feizi et al is comprehensive and notable. But the condition could be simply explicated by a clear demonstration of actual data in a table representing DALK success-failure versus different trephination diameters. If the authors accept to publish these data, every reader would be able to deduce the practically applicable end result.
Conflict of Interest:
None dec...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared. - Published on: 21 April 2016Re:Trephination size and success of big-bubble formation in deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus.Show More
We would like to acknowledge our appreciation for Dr. Peyman for paying close attention to our article and raising important points. Now, big-bubble deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) is a corneal transplantation technique of choice for corneal stromal pathologies not involving endothelium such as keratoconus. The principle shortcoming of this technique is that it is technically challenging. Any attempts to incr...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared. - Published on: 21 April 2016Trephination size and success of big-bubble formation in deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus.Show More
We enthusiastically read the article entitled: "Factors influencing big-bubble formation during deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in keratoconus" by Feizi et al (1). Authors have included many variables to find factors influencing success in the big bubble formation and defined meaningful P value for statistical significance to less than 0.05. From statistical viewpoint multiple comparisons could increase the false di...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared.